My 2009 project “26 Passports” will be on exhibit at Angel’s Gate Cultural Center in San Pedro, CA from February 9 – April 11, 2014. This is the first time this piece has been shown. More details below.
Gettin’ Off The Ground: Contemporary Stories from An American Community
curated by Isabelle Lutterodt
Opening Reception Sunday Feb. 9, 2-5pm
Angel’s Gate Cultural Center
3601 South Gaffey Street
San Pedro, California 90731

Angels Gate Cultural Center (AGCC) is thrilled to invite you to the launch of a new round of exhibitions that continue to explore how stories within the community shape the collective consciousness in San Pedro and South Bay area.
An Opening Reception for several new shows in the Galleries will be held on February 9, 2014 from 2:00pm-4:00pm. Chamber Concert at 4:15pm.
MAIN GALLERY I: Supporting Structures: A Community Arts Project – Fausto Fernandez in partnership with members of the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters and the Pile Drivers, Bridge, Dock and Wharf Builders Local Union 2375
This project marks the beginning of a year-long partnership with the Union. Together we will explore the story of their members and families, the history of the labor movement in San Pedro and how this impacts the community at large. Los Angeles based artist Fausto Fernandez was selected by the Joe Baker, Executive Director of Palos Verdes Art Center, to work on the project.
MAIN GALLERY II: features artists: Mwangi Hutter, Michele Jaquis, Jessica Wimbley and Eve Wood
Work has been selected that continue to explore stories relevant to the local community. The work ranges from video to sculpture and explores issues of representation, identity and personal responsibility. Visitors will be able to tell their own story through interactive art stations in the gallery.
COMMUNITY GALLERY: Symbiosis – Karena Massengill with students from Cabrillo High School in Long Beach.
San Pedro based artist Karena Massengill will be showing work alongside her students work from Cabrillo High School in Long Beach, CA. The work represents the creative conversation that emerges between artist-teachers and students.
COMMUNITY ROOM: Artist-In-Classroom will showcase young artists from South Bay schools.
Features work by young artists from local and regional schools in the South Bay/Harbor region who have been instructed by Angels Gate Cultural Center’s Artists-Teachers
Following the reception, join Grammy Award-winning Southwest Chamber Music in Building H for a one-hour program featuring violinist Shalini Vijayan playing pieces from J.S.Bach, Kurt Rohde, Lera Auerbach, and Hyo-shin Na, and talking about classical and contemporary music.
This program is part of the Music Unwrapped series of free community concerts. These informal and interactive performances are designed to break down the barriers between musicians and audiences of all ages.
Angels Gate Cultural Center galleries are open to the public Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on the second Saturday of the month from 12 – 5pm. Admission is always free.
Here are some photos from our first day preparing for the upcoming Rise Industries residency at the Institute of Cultural Inquiry. We will be part 8 of the 100/10 (100 Days, 10 Visions) project series and plan to collaborate across time and space with our fellow Rise Industries members from around the globe.
Thank you Anna and Elaina for a great day today! Jeremy and I are so inspired that we haven’t left the studio since we got home.

As part of the “History of Somerville, 2010-2100” project, we’ve put together a version of the future based on people’s ideas we collected from Feb. 2009 to Dec. 2010. (This is the final version of the project. New predictions include Somerville merging with Cambridge, Charlestown and parts of Medford to form “Peninsular City” in 2050; Whitey Bulger’s ghost saving Somerville from gentrification and artists; and a Class 4 hurricane named Igor striking town in 2045.)
All of this information about the future is available on our website as a timeline and as a free PDF book.
And… Coming soon:
-a printed version of the book!
-a book reading at the Somerville Public Library!
-an art show at the Nave Gallery!
…stay tuned…
“The history of Somerville, 2010-2100” is a community art project that explores what the future might be like. It is organized by Tim Devin, and was sponsored in part by the Somerville Arts Council.

In the Integrated Learning program at Otis, I am mentor faculty for Patty Kovic’s course, NeighborGapBridge, and we recently found out that the class was awarded a grant from Design Ignites Change. NGB has partnered with Loyola Village Elementary School, Compassionate Response, Westchester Senior Center, and the Custom Hotel to develop projects that enhance our community and connect us with the relief efforts in and the people of Haiti.
The first version of the website and book for “The history of Somerville , 2010-2100” project is now online!
To download a free PDF of the book, click here. To view the project’s website, click here.
“The history of Somerville , 2010-2100” is a community art project that is exploring what the future might be like. Both the book and the website present what we’ve found by talking to Somerville community members about the future. In the book and website, you’ll also find official government plans, think tank vision statements, and various ideas and concerns about the future from various other sources.
The Timeline section presents this material as a single timeline. In the Predictions Archive section, you’ll find the actual predictions that community members made.
We’ll be collecting predictions until the end of the year. If you’d like to make a prediction, please email Tim at . All participants will receive full credit for their images, concepts, stories, and data. All material received by Dec. 31, 2010 will appear on the project’s website and in the final version of the book.
This project is organized by Tim Devin, and is sponsored in part by the Somerville Arts Council. The project is also on Facebook here.
Yeah, yeah. Vacation is over, Winter Winter (2+ feet of snow right before I left) has been traded for LA Winter (awesome out with a chance of rain.. actually pouring right now with I-kid-you-not a 2 foot deep lake around my parked car). Not working and not connected to teh internets (parents house was a 2-week internet black-out during which I read a lot) has been traded for working working working working, hopefully some of which will be billed at some kind of hourly rate, some of which will be traded for, uh, street cred(?) and some of which will be chalked up to well I was going to do that anyway so who cares if no one’s paying me for it.
So. Its already busy back at the Rise Studios, with Michele furiously editing a freelance video project in between Otis responsibilities, which I am supposedly going to review tomorrow for sound and further editing, me trying to make my way through several hundreds of pages of technical structural study guide so that I can pass that exam when the time comes, also while looking into all the nooks and crannies around Los Angeles for the mythical, aforementioned Work That Pays which when found will sustain the lifestyle of care-free-artist-architect-musician-designer that is after all how I roll. Oh, and I got some super-cool digital sensors in the mail today so that I can rig up some Sci-fi hi-tech bio interface thingy to some syth software (ala the Vivarium project). PLUS! Still need to put on my nerd goggles and solder up a kick-ass synth project that has been sitting on my desk mocking me for about three months now. That and a handful of little Radio Shack style kits that when assembled will allow me to sonically influence the outcomes of both past and future events. What else? Web design continues for my own site which is filling up with content and not yet really designed (that’s the half-assed version as it is, and might just stay that way). Hmm. I think I completely lost the flow of that sentence-paragraph there. But you get the idea.
So, lets just say Two Thousand and Ten is off to a helluva start, and check back in here shortly when I have some actual news to post out to ya.
This Tuesday, December 8, the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education will be voting on whether or not to cut 50% of all elementary arts education, with 100% cut the following school year. We cannot let this happen!
Please sign this petition and forward it on to anyone you know. This is too important to ignore, so make some noise and spread the word!
This is a project I started working on with painter Ellen Hackl Fagan several years ago to convert/interpret abstract visuals into sound. She has continued it with several other collaborators since. This is the current iteration. They are working on a version that works over the web…
Reverse Color Organ
The documentary film I mixed and composed some of the music for, No Subtitles Necessary: László & Vilmos, is making it’s network premiere Tonight @ 10PM on PBS as part of the Independent Lens series.
Check your local listings for exact air times and dates here:
NY Times Write Up:
LA Times Write Up:,0,2149127.story
PBS’ website for the doc:

Today while driving home from work, I thought I had missed the march, that the heavy traffic through downtown was just the tail end. I came home and went about my business, but later when I turned on the TV, I learned that the American Apparel marchers were heading down Alameda. The news reporter called them “a splinter group” that had illegally marched without a permit off the planned route. I guess she didn’t recognize their Legalize LA t-shirts and it didn’t occur to her that they were probably just heading back to work at the factory. I had the sudden urge to join them. They were at Alameda and 1st. I looked for my sign from the march in 2006, grabbed my phone, my ID, debit card and keys, (what else could I need?) and ran out the door. I got to the corner of Alameda and third just as the group was passing through the intersection. I stood at the corner short of breath, holding my sign as high as I could. I got some stares, a few honks and some glares from the numerous cops. Once they passed through the intersection, I ran across the street to join them. I asked one woman holding her child, “Vamos a American Apparel?” after she looked confused when I asked in English. She smiled and said “yes” and I kept walking. Soon a young guy ran up to me and asked if could talk to me. He said he is writing for the American Apparel blog. He was shocked and thrilled to see a white person amongst them. I told him my story and reasons for being there, that I was told that my great-grandmother came here on a fake passport. Who knows if it is completely accurate, but regardless she left Eastern Europe in search of a better life – how is that any different? We agreed this is not a Latino issue, it is an American issue and that South and Central America are still America. Wilmer gave me a bottle of water and recorded a sound bite for his blog. He took my number and we talked the whole rest of the way to the factory. At the gate I shook his hand, although he invited me in for tacos, I had to get back to work. Thanks Wilmer!