posted by on 2003.06.28, under Uncategorized

For when you need to REALLY shoot something, or you are getting bored with the speed of your AK-47 – autrailian inventor Mike O’Dwyer brings you the Metal Storm. Story via CNN

posted by on 2003.06.25, under Uncategorized

Would someone in the government please admit they made the whole fucking reason to go into war up, and get impeached or fired or whatever it is you do to someone who kills that many people for a bold politcally and financially motivated LIE? At least someone over at the NYTimes is willing to publicly make accusations, and ask for someone up there to take responsibility for what happened: Denial and Deception “if we can’t find people willing to take the risk — to face the truth and act on it — what will happen to our democracy?”

posted by on 2003.06.24, under Uncategorized

So our first pres, made himself some sauce, eh? Bet that stuff was really potent. I am hoping they unearth the recipe and get his still back into production – you use a still for whiskey, right? Till then, the Laphroaig will have to suffice. +++++

posted by on 2003.06.24, under Uncategorized

Rockstar Game’s website rules. Clink on features over there in the jukebox-console thing, and dig the wallpaper background. Then go home and play Vice City for a couple of hours over a few Mai Tai’s and you’ll really feel the vibe. Yeah I said Clink.Rockstar Games

posted by on 2003.06.23, under Uncategorized

Some picture of the new Prada store in Tokyo by Hertzog and DeMeuron (I may have spelled that correctly). Super nice – tight fishnet mullioned skin with diamond shaped windows, very jewel-like. HdeM does a great job of treading the line between structure, skin, and ornamentation – they have a fine portfolio of surface embellished projects you should check out as well. Hopefully there will be some interior photos of the Prada Tokyo available soon too. These are at

posted by on 2003.06.20, under Uncategorized

A brothel in Nevada finds an unconventional, and apparently (who would be surprised at that?) quite appreciated way to show their support for US Troops.


Says the owner Dennis Hof: “Is it a promotion? Absolutely. I’m the Colonel Sanders of pussy,” he said. “But is it the right thing to do? You’re fucking right it is.”


Article at Salon. Take advantage of their free pass with ad view to read the whole story.

posted by on 2003.06.19, under Uncategorized

I can understand things most rappers say

‘Cause rappin’ is my thing and I do it every day

I’m the number one rapper yo my name is Sven

I can rap more raps than a superman can

So I’m the guy on your radio also rockin’ to the rhythm in stereo

And you don’t stop that bodyrock and you won’t stop that bodyrock

You spell my name right I’m Miker “G”, M-I-K-E-R and “G” you see


posted by on 2003.06.18, under Uncategorized

Great site for the Getty’s exhibition “Illuminating the Renaissance”. Pan and zoom in high resolution the painstakingly detailed Flemish manuscript paintings on display – I particularly like the way the zoom resolves to a higher rez, very nice effect. The paintings themselves are incredible, luxurious. Illuminating the Renaissance – (Getty Exhibitions)

posted by on 2003.06.17, under Uncategorized

No Commercial Potential :: Photocollages “Images inspired by David Hockney’s panoramic photocollages. The fact that my own efforts are markedly less interesting than Mr. Hockney’s didn’t stop the process from becoming something of an obsession.”

Some great examples of photo collage, a technique espoused by my one-time studio instructors Robert and Mary Ann of Studioworks. When done carefully and creatively, it is remarkably effective – check it out.

Yeah, I saw the link at K10K

posted by on 2003.06.12, under Uncategorized

Think your ride is badass? No, this is badass.+++
