Congrats to Ethan, er, State Shirt! He won the Songfight match for Bitter Orange (see post below). So, now if you have not heard it yet, go to Songfight and check it out – its good stuff.
ps. Ethan, we should do one soon… either that or I will just have to enter into competition with you (and lose).
I spent all day Sunday writing and recording a song for one of the latest SongFights. SongFight is a site where song titles are given, and you write/record a song in a week. Post it on the site, and people vote for the best. I entered the “Bitter Orange” fight. I waited until the last day to even start writing… so I ended up spending the entire day in the studio. Didn’t even stop for a beer break. So click on over to SongFight, listen to the songs and vote for the best. If you don’t vote for me that’s okay, but I may not send you a valentine this year.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SongFight!
“…spending on public relations contracts rose rapidly under the Bush administration…”
>>> your tax $$ at work
Recently, I completed sound design work for two websites designed by Yuju Yeo (one on her own, one with Osborn). They are for two different eye-wear lines from The Lens Work company. So, turn up your speakers, and check them out:
T2 Eyewear
*all sounds for the Minima site are made on my trusy Gibson Les Paul electric guitar.
this made me laugh, which i needed, because i broke my collarbone over the weeknd… no AIR updates for a time… Google moon – click on the more info button, it just keeps going…
Jack Bauer’s Friendster profile.
[for those, like me, who are rabid fans of 24]
Japan’s princess Kiko is pregnant!
OK. So I am exposing my ignorance here, but I did not know Japan had a princess – or any royal family for that matter. I mean, I know there was in the past, but I did not know there still is royalty in Japan. But – what I find really strange, is the photo of her on the CNN page – note the words BIG MAN just below her image?? Who’s the big man, I want to know. (I guess its part of the video monitor, but still.. strange photo choice there guys)
OK. Thats all for now thanks.
OK, So I cannot stand Bollywood films – loathe them mostly.. but this I might just have to see because it sounds so perverse – Fight Club, ala Bollywood. Via Coudal.
This Thursday fellow Rise industrial magnate Ethan will be showing off his band persona State Shirt down at the Temple Bar – that’s the one at 1026 Wilshire Blvd, in Santa Monica by the way. (cuz there is more than one).
I highly recommend you check it out – his live loop guitar driven show is kind of unbelievable to behold. Also playing is Niño Astronauta, and some other folks too.
Check out his web site for more info and some listening…
To recap:
State Shirt
Thurs. Feb 2.
8:00 pm
Temple Bar
1026 Wilshire Blvd.
Santa Monica,CA
$10 cover
This Thursday fellow Rise industrial magnate Ethan will be showing off his band persona State Shirt down at the Temple Bar – that’s the one at 1026 Wilshire Blvd, in Santa Monica by the way. (cuz there is more than one).
I highly recommend you check it out – his live loop guitar driven show is kind of unbelievable to behold. Also playing is Niño Astronauta, and some other folks too.
Check out his web site for more info and some listening…
To recap:
State Shirt
Thurs. Feb 2.
8:00 pm
Temple Bar
1026 Wilshire Blvd.
Santa Monica,CA
$10 cover