Here’s looking at you from outerspace, tuesdays.
The Hubble telescope is being saved – NASA has approved a repair mission to keep it running until around 2013, earlier this year it looked like there was no way this would happen.
So now I can continue to enjoy the super-super-super high resolution images of way out in space that my favorite satellite provides. Nice work, space bureaucracy people!
Did we remember to post something about the project Michele and I created together for Phantom Galleries? They are a group that arranges artwork to be placed in empty storefronts around Los Angeles, on a temporary basis. For this show in Pasadena, Phantom Galleries contacted McLean Fine Art, who then curated the show from their stable of artists, including us.
Michele and I worked together to create a site-specific, three channel video installation called Here, together. The installation captures our shadows in various parts of the building as cast by light reflected from passing cars, and also has one channel where we attempt to use our two bodies to create ambiguous shadow-shapes. There are some images up on Phantom Galleries’ web site, and maybe we will get around to putting up a video clip here too.
Today I signed on to be an Executive Producer for Coudal Partners’ upcoming short film, 72°. Take a look at their project diary site and their previous short film: Copy Goes Here.
I just won the Retroblast motivational poster contest with my Zork inspired poster. Ahh, I am a happy man today.
d o m e s i n l o s a n g e l e s m o n d a y s
The Dome Village in Los Angeles is being dismantled this week, one of the unfortunate results of the rise in property values in downtown. For those who don’t know of its existence, it is a small community of spherical fiberglass domes used to provide housing for the homeless away from Skid Row. It was built in 1993 to provide affordable transitional housing, and is visible right off the side of the 110 Freeway. With the construction of the new Staples Center nearby a few years ago, and the current plan underway to build a massive mixed use commercial/residential complex in that area, the rent the owners of the Dome Village (also called Justiceville) were paying jumped 700%. As an experiment in creating a community that could positively affect the lives of people living on the street in LA, the village was a resounding success – it even produced a cricket team (yeah, cricket!) that went on a brief tour of England to play. Its a crime that no city organization has stepped in to save this project, and these people’s homes, and that the jump in real-estate values will simply destroy this vision of community. Development in LA has been a major force in pushing the homeless from place to place in downtown, and has yet to help provide any form of solution to the massive problem of homelessness in the city. Its sad to see a successful project like Dome City vanish, putting people back on the street, and putting an end to one of the more creative solutions to housing the urban poor.
Also, read about it in the LA Times
The other big domes in LA, the Griffith Observatory, are set to re-open this week after four years of extensive renovation. Perched atop the foothills of Los Feliz, Griffith affords tremendous views of the city spread out at its feet at night, and is one of the most beautiful places in Los Angeles. I last went up there the day it closed for repairs, and we will dispatch a team to check out its reopening, just as soon as we can get up there.
The other day, I noticed that the band The Books are not at all from Malaysia. Even though this is true, I told my friend Mike (who gave me a CD of theirs) that they are fantastic. Turns out this is true. All I have for you right now is a review of the album I got. I actually think its quite a bit better then the reviewer does.
Libra September 23 – October 23
The alignment of the stars and the planets can only mean one thing this week: You’re looking at a very simplistic, two-dimensional model of our solar system.
via America’s Finest News Source
I took several days off this past week, for birthday related activities, and ended up mostly cleaning and reorganizing my studio. Yesterday, I got fed up with this, and spent a few hours making a mix CD that I have wanted to make for months. I will most likely create a podcast version of it for download this weekend. Then you all can listen. So. I put a track by Wendy Carlos on it, because I knew of her work on A Clockwork Orange. I had not, however, realized she was so interesting or that she was involved in a couple of my other favorite films – The Shining, and Tron. She was one of the earliest users of the Moog synthesizer, and used it to create her first album in 1968. I also had not realized that she was a man earlier in life, taking the name Wendy after a sex change.
Now, I have to go to the record store and track down as much of her stuff as possible. I recommend you go find at least some. Or wait for my podcast, so you can hear Timesteps.
mmmmm, useless information is goooood.
Woke up to the sound of pouring rain
The wind would whisper and I’d think of you
And all the tears you cried, that called my name
And when you needed me I came through
I paint a picture of the days gone by
When love went blind and you would make me see
I’d stare a lifetime into your eyes
So that I knew you were there for me
Time after time you were there for me
Remember yesterday – walking hand in hand
Love letters in the sand – I remember you
Through the sleepless nights and every endless day
I’d wanna hear you say – I remember you
-Skid Row
Lets go Rollerskating!