The other day I was driving past a McDonald’s on the way to get dinner with Michele, my niece Sarah and her husband Dan, and I wondered how many chicken McNuggets you could haul out of there if you had them fill a 5 Gallon bucket.
Well, after dropping them off at home later that night, Sarah texts me this:
“1134 chicken McNuggets in 5 Gallons.”
I hope she didn’t take a bucket in there to figure that out.
So that’s 113 10 piece orders and 1 4 pc. Having not been to a McDonald’s as far back as my memory works, I have no idea what that would cost. A quick check online tells me its $3.39 for the 10 pc order, and $1 for 4 pc. So we’re talking around $384.07. For FIVE GALLONS OF FRIED CHICKEN BITS.
I have to stop, thinking of this further will make me ill. You think they would be able to fill that order with the nuggets they have on hand? Scary thing is, I am sure it would be no problem.
Well unfortunately I HAVE been to McDonald’s recently (it being a block away and me being poor and all) and have ordered the chicken nuggets. Although I am sure they HAVE quite a few nuggets back there, probably enough to fill the order… I can tell you it would take FOREVER. I ordere a 4 piece nuggets a few times and they weren’t readily cooked (guess thats a good thing…) and it took like 10 minutes just to get 4 little nuggets. But also, the McDonalds near me is worse than most on time and quality.- Niece Sarah