Ahhh. Back from a long long absence. Several reviews, one trip to the east coast for holiday action, one visit from girlfriends father, a re-integration to the life of an architecture student, and I am finally ready to get Rise Industries rolling again.
Look to your right -> and check out some images and short short reviews of openings at Chung King Road from last friday. Keep your eyes on the Griffith Observatory bit too, that should be up anytime this weekend, hopefully sooner rather than later.
In the recent new here. Rise Industries welcomes Chris Sicat to the community. Chris is the curator/owner of The Hatch Gallery (temporarily without a physical location, we can only hope for its speedy return), does some stuff over at LACMA, and founded the Bastard Company performance group. He seems to keep tabs on goings on in the LA art world, so hopefully he will keep us abreast of anything worth checking out, or avoiding for that matter.
In other news, this weekend thesis reviews are being held at SCI-Arc. The school is in total chaos tonight as everyone pitches in for the final stretch to get it all up on the wall. I recommend you drop by and take a peek at a couple of presentations. All are welcome, and there has got to be some free food and booze involved somehow. Well, go there if architecture is your thing anyway.
Many more items to go up soon, so check back in. word.