posted by on 2006.05.23, under Uncategorized

Over at Coudal Partners this week and last week, they have a fantastic little game called Booking Bands. Essentially, you mash-up the title of a book with the name of a band, and email it to them so they can post it to their site. For example:

The Things They Might Be Giants Carried


Charlie Daniels and the Chocolate Factory

Unfortunately, they didn’t post any of mine, so I am just going to post ’em here and pat myself on the back for being so witty. But go take a look at Coudal’s page. The list is getting long, and you can help add to it.

The Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Diaries

Soon to be a major music video motion picture..

The King Crimson’s Stilts

Dr. Seuss of course. That book is great, I need to get my self a copy. I
remember it being in my doctor’s office waiting room when I was a kid.

Pop Will Eat Shoots and Leaves

Put the comma wherever you like

No Use for The Name of the Rose

The Grateful Dead Sea Scrolls

One Fish, Two Fish, Simply Red Fish, Blue Fish

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