Intermittent Architectural Thursdays Returns on Monday
Today a note from one of my friends led me to look up some old cut-away drawings of Ferraris. Like this beauty. This got me thinking about drawing class back in school (yes, we did draw with pencils, not just computers), and the giant, fantastic drawings of Paul Rudolph.
I was able to find a few of them online:
House, House, Tower, House, House, Birds eye, Birds Eye of an Exhibit
And here is a whole slew of them – though most do not have enlarged images to click to.
These bring back memories of 1st year, perced on a high stool, graphite on hands, making precise lines across fine paper. Then of course the inking process is where the real fun is. You tape a sheet of mylar over your drawing, pour yourself a nice glass of red wine or port, and slowly trace out the linework. Luckily, ink on mylar erases very well. Of course, my drawings never were quite like the works linked above. Lucky for me, there is illustrator and photoshop.