posted by on 2003.04.24, under Uncategorized

I just updated the Projects section: my family is a new work in progress that requests your participation.

posted by on 2003.04.23, under Uncategorized

Some nice new things to stare at over at GLITCH ART. Hunt around in the blogs for some bits of sheer genius. Like this for example:

The computer is in control.

The computer can calculate up to 100 times faster than the male human brain.

The computer room can only be accessed by authorized personnel.

The magnetic tape contains all the data in binary zeros and ones.

Spool forwards, spool backwards to access memory in seconds.

Each line of computer programme codes must end with a carriage return.

The computer is programmed not to make an error.

Computers cannot yet match the human brain at chess, but in the year 2000 they might.

New peripherals such as the lightpen and joystick will make the keyboard obsolete.

Most typists can be trained to use the office computer in a few weeks.

posted by on 2003.04.23, under Uncategorized

Over at, a great thrashing of Diller + Scofidio’s architectural “art” – and if read in more general terms, a condemnation of what happens when architects try to make intellectual, conceptual art, and end up producting totally misquided crap (or rehashing Laurie Anderson of all people). Read it here

posted by on 2003.04.22, under Uncategorized

So, as perhaps so one has noticed since I don’t post all that regularly anyway, I have been busy lately. I am an official member of the tax-paying general public once again, having taken a post at Boto design in Santa Monica (yep, I have been here before, check out the project I did for them back in ’99 under my member section). So now I have an income once again, a place to go from 9 to 7 every day other than the racetrack, and a nice parking space under the building for when I want to go out to a movie on 3rd street and am running late.

Also keeping me busy is the ongoing project for Progressive Beverages, which is nearing the end of schematic design and will go into CD’s and then, very quickly, construction. I will post some of the sketches for that as soon as I touch em up a bit.

So. Thats whats up.

posted by on 2003.04.22, under Uncategorized

So this morning a small landmark in Providence started to come down, under much suspicion. It seems the owner started demolition without any permits to be sure no one could stop him. Check out some photos here.
Its just sad how people with enough money can do whatever the hell they want, while the rest of the community suffers. Sure, the building wasn’t THAT great, it was cool or ugly, depending on what you like, but the way they went about its removal, with no public duscussion, really really irks me and I am sure this will not be the last time the public gets pissed at Paolino Properties.

posted by on 2003.04.19, under Uncategorized

More. Ok, perhaps I am getting a little obsessed about this one – but it seems super exciting to see someone able to fly themselves out into space, a domain so far available only to governments.

On top of that, it looks like they just threw out existing aircraft design and completely rewrote the rules for themselves. I imagine the lines are all determined by engineering, but I swear they had some rad product designer involved in creating this thing. Its just way too cool.

Anyway, here is a good shot of it if you dont feel like browsing around the whole website via the last link. Piggyback

posted by on 2003.04.19, under Uncategorized

More about Scaled Composites’ privately funded space craft – here is their website.Scaled Composites

posted by on 2003.04.19, under Uncategorized

Not only is the opening of space travel to private interests sure to raise alot of eyebrows, but this new spacecraft and its lauch plane- designed to fly out of our atmosphere and skim space, look cool as hell. Check out the round windows all over that plane, fresh! Take a look here.

posted by on 2003.04.16, under Uncategorized

“The document showing your current identity must be of recent issuance so that we can determine your continued existence.”

From the Social Security web page.

posted by on 2003.04.12, under Uncategorized

Tonight and Sunday Line Space Line presents its 2003 festival of improvised music. Its at the Salvation Theatre in LA (1519 Griffith Park Blvd), and begins at 8 pm. Prepare to be impressed.. we will be there at tonights show. line space line
