posted by on 2003.11.14, under Uncategorized

Maybe I am overtired from working… maybe i am hungry and repulsed at the same time. either way, these recipe cards from the seventies are scary, and their descriptions are hysterical.

posted by on 2003.11.14, under Uncategorized

Well, I guess it was bound to happen. DJ’s in the London underground scene have given way to MP3J’s, armed with iPods. The line between performer and audience is constantly getting blurred. Everyone is an artist, everyone is a fiim maker, everyone is a musician, everyone is a designer… is nothing sacred? Will any one of have jobs in a few years?

posted by on 2003.11.14, under Uncategorized

Check these out!!!!!!

posted by on 2003.11.13, under Uncategorized

SO, thats why it took me an hour and a half to get home last night (ofren a 15 minute drive)… see, we do get interesting weather. Freakish storm

posted by on 2003.11.12, under Uncategorized

Ahhh. The continuing mainstreaming of porn – thank you Paris Hilton, for letting Mr. Solomon tape you two, and whoever let it get out. While it may do a little to debase your own image, it will certainly do a lot to upgrade porn’s image out in the wide world. Why don’t you just embrace it and see what happens? That would be more exciting than pretending it doesn’t exist, right? ++++ [to read article in full, watch Salon’s little advertisement and you get access all day. Totally worth it.]

posted by on 2003.11.12, under Uncategorized

This is rad – finally a little motorbike of the future that is not as lawn-mower-esque as the Segueway. ++++ Too bad it is not actually in production yet (or maybe ever) though.

posted by on 2003.11.05, under Uncategorized

Whoa!! i never knew this existed: Latino-Jewish Hiphop

posted by on 2003.11.04, under Uncategorized

Well well, long time no blog. Here are some diversions for ya=

Why talk, when your pants can say everything for you? The days of semaphore being something just for those landing planes or piloting ships are over. $$$

And here are some images I found interesting out there on the West Coast &&&
(BTW= officially, I would like to rename what used to be known as the East Coast to the Atlantic West Coast, so stick it in yer socks, Californians, who, after electing Rambozo, have shamed the West Coast name)

posted by on 2003.11.04, under Uncategorized

Well well, long time no blog. Here are some diversions for ya=

Why talk, when your pants can say everything for you? The days of semaphore being something just for those landing planes or piloting ships are over. $$$

And here are some images I found interesting out there on the West Coast &&&
(BTW= officially, I would like to rename what used to be known as the East Coast to the Atlantic West Coast, so stick it in yer socks, Californians, who, after electing Rambozo, have shamed the West Coast name)

posted by on 2003.10.28, under Uncategorized

This will give you some idea of the scope of the fires out in the LA/San Diego area today – watching the news last night, its just horrific. Everything seems to be on fire. There is even thinned out smoke and occasional bits of ash drifting over Santa Monica and Culver City.

