More 60 Second videos

posted by on 2008.07.02, under Uncategorized

This past weekend we went down to San Diego and La Jolla, where I captured some more 60 Second videos.
The first one here is a survivor from a swarm of bees we hit doing 75 on the 5 freeway. I can’t believe it hung on until San Diego. The second is flags hung from the tower of the USS Midway aircraft carrier museum.

USS Midway Flags from Jeremy Quinn on Vimeo.


Jeremy is reporting from Santa Monica. I am in downtown LA, which is 27 miles west of the quake’s epicenter (about 20 miles closer than Santa Monica is). It felt big, rumbley, and shaky. The lights hanging from our ceiling swayed back and forth. A few small items on our shelves fell over. It seemed to begin with a slight wobble, then got very intense and trailed off by the end. I guess it has since been downgraded to 5.4. When it hit I was on the phone with someone in Claremont, much closer to Chino Hills. I should see how she’s doing.

michele ( July 29, 2008 at 1:14 pm )

The other big earthquake we felt was on Sept. 9, 2001. It was centered in Beverly Hills and I was at Heather’s apartment in Santa Monica. I remember Jeremy telling me that at our place in Culver City, it felt like a truck had hit the side of the building. That was only a 4.2. We weren’t in So Cal for the famous Northridge Earthquake of 1994.

michele ( July 30, 2008 at 10:21 am )

are you not counting acadia cuz michele has not been?

Anonymous ( August 5, 2008 at 6:07 pm )

I am only counting places I went to under my own power – so getting taken there as a kid won’t count. So this way, I have to go back. Wanna go?

She can count the Grand Canyon, since she went there on her way out, but I didn’t.

jeremy ( August 5, 2008 at 6:11 pm )

Bah, the new Jetta got rated 41 mpg (if my memory serves me right, go google it cuz I’m probably wrong). Not good enough. Maybe I will try to stick with my ‘ol GTI and start riding my bike to work some days. Its only 20 miles.

jeremy ( August 5, 2008 at 6:14 pm )
