Lots of stuff been going on out here these days: got laid off, hunted for job, did alotta art work, made portfolios like crazy, got new job, holidays hit.. etc.
Short story is… the Blog has been on a little hiatus. I will get back into posting again.. with this! Also, hope to make some new Rise Industries things happen in early 2009.
As far as that goes, member Tim has been feverishly making his excellent art-zine “I Left This Here For You To Read”, and has brought me on a bit to help out and edit some issues. His first ones are done, and he just sent some my way to distribute in Los Angeles. I suggest you get involved, as that is the best way to actually get your hands on one! The project is really great, and has been getting some press already. He has blogged about it here in his own posts, so I will let those fill you in. Or go to the website for it.